Make yours a Modern Workplace

Make yours a Modern Workplace

Modern Workplace is a buzzword that’s been around for more than a decade, but through the COVID-era it’s definition has become clearer and it’s value embraced more readily.

Modern Workplace reflects the changing nature of work. Via connectivity, software & hardware, it provides a flexible and collaborative environment that enables your team to work from anywhere and on any device. The outcome: A productive, efficient, and happy team that delivers on your business goals.

All the good that is a Modern Workplace

  1. Productivity holds momentum: Working remotely or on-the-go, your people remain connected to your business (team, processes & data) and so their productivity is unbroken - whether that's at home, in the office or even out on the road between client calls.

63% of high-growth companies have enabled “productivity anywhere” hybrid work models. - Accenture

  1. Collaboration is optimized: With the use of digital collaboration tools, employees can work together on projects from anywhere. Teamwork, creativity, and innovation are all winners here. And thanks to cloud-based apps like M365, documents can be worked on together in real time which reduces confusion & error.
  2. Dollar $ savings: With fewer people on site, there could be less office square footage needed, and you could think about doing away with physical servers in favour of cloud-based. Subscription-based software (e.g. M365) is also better for your bottom line because it can flex with your headcount.
  3. Cashflow is freed up: We’ve written an entire article on the cashflow upside of Device as a Service which you can read here. It’s essentially a subscription for the tech hardware your team members use and includes device maintenance when needed - potentially saving you expensive repair bills and time headaches.
  4. Apps for efficiency at no extra cost: If you subscribe to M365, you can take advantage of their apps that streamline workflows, automate processes and do away with lots of manual tasks. Check out Power Automate, Bookings, Forms, Whiteboard, Planner & Lists to get started.

Companies lose 20% to 30% in revenue every year due to document and workflow inefficiencies. - IDC

  1. Modern Workplace is attractive for new talent: It’s become really clear that people changing employers or entering the workforce prefer companies that offer flexible work arrangements. If you operate via modern workplace, you’re more likely to attract, retain and get the most from top talent.

55% of employees are high performers when provided radical flexibility over where, when and with whom they work versus 36% of those working typical business hours in the office. - Gartner

Give your business a Modern Workplace facelift

  1. Invest in the right technology to enable your employees to work remotely and collaborate effectively. This includes cloud-based software, virtual meeting tools, and security solutions.
  2. Provide training and support. Implementing a modern workplace requires a cultural shift that may be challenging for some employees. Training and support to help employees adapt will make things a lot easier for everyone.
  3. Establish clear policies and guidelines around remote work, communication, and data security. Your employees need to understand their responsibilities and follow company standards.
  4. Foster a culture of trust and collaboration with open communication, teamwork, and employee empowerment so your team (and business) can thrive.

Finally, if you’re considering or just beginning the Modern Workplace transition, be mindful it takes top-down leadership and planning to get the architecture just right. Don’t cut corners. We strongly recommend that early on you identify an internal ‘champion/owner’ you can lean on to bring it to life, making it much easier to implement and help transition your team.

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