Introducing efex Cyber Essentials

Introducing efex Cyber Essentials

We're very excited to announce the launch of efex Cyber Essentials - a technology bundle that audits cyber-crime readiness against a set of best practice standards, implements bespoke fixes and training, and monitors for attacks; the software you need dovetailed with 24/7 monitoring from a specialist cyber security team.

At the big end of town, research suggests, Australian boards and CEOs are less concerned about or aware of their cyber vulnerability than overseas counterparts, until the Optus data breach. In smaller and medium sized business, bosses are closer to their IT resources, but this is the sector that has been most under pressure in the pandemic. They're still scrabbling for capital and the skills they need to progress.

Many firms are going to need to pivot resources to work out what needs to be done to fend off hackers and do it quickly. They may well be in supply chains of bigger businesses who want to be confident they have got things sorted, before boards and regulators are on their case.

In a recent interview our CEO and Founder, Nick Sheehan, said ‘we've packaged our team’s unrivalled expertise with the assessment strategies and technological fixes to make cyber-crime readiness a seamless experience for leaders wearing the ‘IT hat’ in our important SME sector.

‘The Optus breach has brought into stark relief the state of readiness for many firms in Australia. The pandemic has diverted the attention of boards and technology leaders to business continuity and operational flexibility. Now, all at once, they'll need to pivot their focus.

'efex Cyber Essentials will allow them to accelerate their readiness process without diverting or competing for scarce resources. Boards, business leaders and business owners will be able to reassure their customers and other stakeholders that they have battened down the hatches in a single leap.’

In a survey of 600 global directors in August, by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Sloan Management School and cybersecurity firm Proofpoint, only 52 per cent of Australian respondents believed their company was at risk of a material cyber-attack in the next 12 months. This ranked Australian director's 10th out of 12 countries surveyed.

The report also showed a serious disconnect with chief information security officers (CISO). A previous survey of Australian CISOs suggested that 68 per cent thought their organization was in danger. This was higher than the global average.

efex Cyber Essentials product information is available here.

About efex
efex help businesses across Australia harness office technology to improve productivity, efficiency and growth.

Our team of experts talk business first. This means we can translate business goals into the right technology.

Our branches across metro and regional cities marry a nimble local presence with national centres of expertise. This means you can be confident we understand your business and leverage the right technology that works for you.

Whether you acquire and manage your own infrastructure or want to outsource to a managed services specialist, efex makes IT straightforward, accessible and scalable. This leaves you to get on with what you do best. 

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