Maximising your IT spend when times are tight

Maximising your IT spend when times are tight

Feeling the financial squeeze? It can be tricky to juggle competing demands but one area you can stay in control is by effectively utilising your IT resources. To help, we’ve...

Business resilience - The what, why & how to minimise business disruption

Business resilience - The what, why & how to minimise business disruption

Business owners are the driving force behind our economy. Your relentless hard work and dedication not only provide essential services and products, but also create jobs and foster innovation. Running...

Back up & recovery: You won't need it until you need it

Back up & recovery: You won't need it until you need it

A resilient business is one that can survive and even thrive in the face of adversity. That’s why having a back up & recovery plan is so important. At efex,...

Safeguard your data with efex Business Resilience

Safeguard your data with efex Business Resilience

Introducing efex Business Resilience - an affordable and scalable business continuity solution for SMB's. It's designed to eliminate the risk of downtime if disaster strikes and you're no longer able to...